
CRONO is a management system for employee attendance .
Its prerogative is to be accessible via a standard browser, thus allowing the user to have service it even from remote

CRONO is a suitable instrument to all private and public companies, its interface makes it extremely intuitive. By opening the file there is a complete view of the employees and the main prints, the management of the justifications of the absences is extremely simple and immediate.
The management of the corrections for the clock in and clock out in the hours of entry and exit is configurable for both time slots as well as customary clock in and clock out.
Overtime may be corrected in multiple levels, disable or enable within a single day.

CRONO has the possibility of assigning the justifications a positive or negative value that gives the possibility to compensate a category of justifications with another. Furthermore a number of hours may be added that will be brought forward during the year.
The justifications can be inserted both by the operator and by the time clock. In addition to the standard ones: Holidays, permits, illnesses etc, CRONO manages the justifications of a Project which are outside the ordinary working hours.

The management of work shifts is extremely flexible. CRONO can be set with different work shifts within the same week / month either part-time or full-time. The time can be set with of entry hours and exit hours varying within the single day even during night hours.


  • Management of multi companies and multi departments
  • Registry unlimited of employees
  • The festivities management
  • Possibility of cancellation and / or modification of individual clock ins
  • Print original time cards
  • Internal backup
  • Unload Technodrive time clock terminals
  • Possibility to import timing records to the software from any terminal that generates a text file containing the specifications of timing
  • Prints in pdf or xls per month or per selected period
  • Economic rewards management for hours worked: ordinary, over time and / or fixed-term
  • Available in the following languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish

  • 10_Tracciato
  • 11_Giustificatini-configurazione
  • 12_Giustificativi-periodo
  • 13_Backup
  • 1_Home
  • 2_Cartellino
  • 3_Orario-principale
  • 4_Dipendenti-anagrafica
  • 5_Orario-arrotondamenti
  • 6_Orario-settimanale
  • 7_Report
  • 8_Retribuzioni
  • 9_Pulizia

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